UPS / VDP (Sag protector)
SAG Protection for electric power load
- Installation : Korea, Europe, Japan, China (2008~)
- Provide protection against short outages and very deep sags (~60sec)
- End customers: Samsung, LG, Japan Display
- Purpose: High power/High Current output
Reducing maintenance fee (Long life time)
※ UPS: uninterruptible power supply
※ VDP: Voltage drop protector, Voltage Sag protector

Recommended module
LSUM 051R3C 0166F EA
LSUM 032R4C 0250F EA
LS UltraGrid Module (19’’ Rack Module)
LS UltraGrid (19’’ Cabinet)
Cutting down construction cost, line noise, maintenance cost by not using power from production line
- Installation : Korea, Europe, Japan, China, USA
- Moves fast and moves in the certain area
- Can charge often and periodically
- End customers: Samsung, LG, CSOT, AMAZON, Walmart
- Purpose
- Reducing maintenance fee (Long life time)
- Move fast with excellent power
- Charge fast
※ AGV: Automated Guided Vehicles

Recommended module

LSUM 048R6C 0166F EA DC
Peak Shaving
Cutting down grid construction cost and maintenance cost by reducing power consumption
- Installation : Europe, China, USA
- Electric machines like motors, servo presses or test equipment need high power for short periods
- Ultracapacitor can output this high power, so no need to install additional Power source in the grid
- Purpose
- Reduce peak load of grid connection point
- Eliminate costs for grid connection expansion
- Reducing electric charge by covering peak power

Recommended module

LSUM 048R6C 0166F EA DC

LSUM 048R6C 0166F EA YJ

LSUM 129R6C 0062F EA
Harbor Crane
Ultracapacitors cut energy consumption and improve fuel efficiency of cranes
- Installation : Europe, Korea, North America
- Continuous operating crane generates high peak load on the grid. Ultracapacitors can be used to provide such peak power so that it ensures the stable operation of cranes
- Advantages
- Improving fuel efficiency
- Reducing investment cost of power infrastructure
- High reliability

Recommended module

LSUM 048R6C 0166F EA DC

LSUM 048R6C 0166F EA YJ

LSUM 129R6C 0062F EA